Tuesday, December 8, 2009

UFE Results Are In!!

Great great news. Friday December 5th has been a day that we have been anxiously waiting for since September 17th. We have been waiting and waiting to find out how Dallan did on his UFE exam so that we could start planning for the next year. Well we are very happy to say that he passed, he passed, he passed. That was one of the best days ever. Atleast now we know that we can start planning for the next year and are not in limbo wondering how much Dallan is going to make come January. The best part about him passing is that Dallan is finally done school. After 7 years of putting him through school and then supporting him as he went through the CASB program are finally over, we finally get a break. Now just to find a way to celebrate. February we are going to Costa Rica, but that is for Jeremy and Becky's wedding. I am thinking that once we have payed off some school debt and put some money away maybe we can go to New York for a vacation. Well we'll see. Just so excited and happy he passed. Yay!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Boys Photo Shoot

This was Eastons first photoshoot and I was so happy to have Kenzie around to do them for me. They turned out awesome and I am so greatful to have an amazing friend that is so extremely talented in this area because I am definately not.
So there are alot of pics in this post because I couldn't decide which pictures I liked the best I just liked them all so much. I think I posted all but maybe 5 or 6 but whatever they just turned out so cute that I couldn't resist.

Hayden also got his picture taken, he was good for the first few pictures but then didn't want anything to do with getting his picture taken anymore. Alot of bribbing was done but that still didn't seem to help. Still got a lot of great pics of him.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So I finally decided to start a blog. We will see if I will actually keep it up.
Lots has been going on in our home but I will just update on what is going on most recently.
We welcomed Easton Sloan into our home on July 5th and he is getting huge. I will have to post some pictures. In 6 weeks he had gained 4lbs from birth weight he is so cute and chunky. Hayden is doing quite well with having a little brother, he likes to help out a lot and loves to give Easton lots of hugs and kisses. We also started potty training Hayden this week, so far so good. Dallan is busy preparing to write his UFE in September. I pray that he passes so that we are finally done with school and tests, one day it will happen. We are getting pictures done this weekend so as soon as I get those I will have to post them they should be dang cute because Kenzie is doing them for me and everything she does is cute. Can't wait to get them done and see them.
